
Resort Girl Flies on the Wings of Eagles

September 28, 2015

At my breakfast table this morning, these words just came to this Resort Girl: Thank you for the opportunity to play another day and to soar high with the eagles in the sky. Play can mean so many different things – going into the great outdoors for an adventure, sport or spiritual renewal, playing games around the fireplace or taking a cherished family member or your best furry friend on a walk or dip in the lake.

It means having the good health, both mental and physical (and even spiritual), to be able to play. And that means keeping balance in your life. Playing, partying, parenting and working too hard burns out a body and soul. It’s a case of too many opportunities with too little time.

A few years back, this Resort Girl did not have that balance. My entrepreneurial mind is in high gear at all times and the opportunities and ideas that spring from it are endless. The key is how to keep things real and realistic. Shark Tank is a big hit and I can constantly hear the hum of those wanting to make it big.

Just make sure that if you want to hit the big bottom line, you are willing to pay the costs. Is it worth not seeing your family – or even losing it? It is worth losing your health? Is it worth losing your spirit and character?

Also, consider this – is it worth losing the opportunity to play? If there is no recess, and rest – life becomes a jail cell where you are chained to endless hours behind the desk and trapped behind the steel bars of an office window.

These words came to me about a decade ago and wrote this poem:

In corner of my eye
Came gliding by
A glimpse from the sky

Oh, how gentle the eagle danced
Weaving in and out of the steel window slants

A reminder to my soul
To balance my goals

For the freedom is given to all living creatures
To soar high above the cold, cement features

We have the freedom to live a balanced life one with body, mind and soul. We have the opportunity to play another day. We sometimes just need to find the way – weaving in and out – to find a healthy balance. For then we can fly on the wings of eagles and grow strong, not weary.

The path may be tough at first, but in the end the rewards are far greater than any bottom-line driven life.

This Resort Girl is thankful for the opportunity to have the health, happiness and strength to play another day…

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