
Starting Anew as a Resort Girl

April 14, 2015
Resort Girl - Sunset

In today’s high-paced techno go-go world, we sometimes forget to reflect, to relax and to recharge our human batteries. How can you be excellent in life if your body, mind and spirit are in need of repair?

I have personally discovered just how crucial it is to keep that balance. Recently, I suffered great losses –  my marriage, my company, my home (to a flood) and my father (to dementia), but what these losses gave me was a chance to start all over again – the ability to step back and redesign my life.

This time, I desired an equal balance of physical, mental and spiritual wellness. It took a good bit of research, much trial-and-error, some ridicule and most of all determination to find and design my new personal life-balance. My body, mind and spirit are getting in pretty good place (and shape!) at the ripe age of 55 – and after menopause!

Resort Girl Logo

This is what has inspired Resort Girl. Resort living has provided me the landscape to live this more natural and healthy lifestyle. Nature inspires so much balance and provides healthy living, all within the boundaries of a resort setting. It is an excellent way to feed your mind, body and soul.

Three days a week, I take yoga classes to calm down and core up. Another day is picking up a game of tennis, golf or swimming here and there. Community events provide companionship and volunteer opportunities, and daily walks are always a blessing to enjoy nature’s beauty.

It doesn’t take living on a resort to achieve this lifestyle. You can make your own backyard into your resort, join a gym, or form a group of travel gals! You can transform your home interior into an oasis or luxe hotel.

If you’re thinking, “I do not have the time for my Resort Girl. My busy life with my job, my kids, my home, my parents, all the other ‘mys’” – You have to make time. If you don’t take the time to relax, reflect and recharge your human batteries, it most likely will come back to haunt you. Crash, Bang, Crack! Life can come down hard.

Why not step back, step out, and take baby steps toward a positive change in your life? Make a safe place oasis, set up a healthy lifestyle and renew your spirituality. Set some goals, make one daily or even weekly to begin.

Become a Resort Girl – and you Resort Guys follow along with us too. It is a positive step towards making your life the most successful and rewarding one possible. Together we can relax, reflex and recharge, but most of all inspire each other to live one continual journey exploring our physical, mental and spiritual abilities while enjoying and living gracefully with nature.

Resort Living

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