Poem, Reflect

A Resort Girl’s Favorite Thing…Listen to Birds Sing

May 13, 2017

One of My Favorite Things

Is to Listen to the Birds Sing

And Watching the Babies Fluff

…and Strut

With their New, Fuzzy Little Wings

(Another Favorite Thing)

On the Branches the Little Bird

Is Perched

While Yearning

To Try

And Fly

Day and Night

Reaching for a New High

In the Beautiful Azure Sky

by Resort Girl

Poem, Reflect

The Lighthouses in Life that Help You Shine Bright, Resort Girls

December 13, 2016

As the lighthouse beamed

In the evening sky

My mind was mesmerized by

The rhythm of the light streams

Dancing through the air

As I relaxed in my lattice chair

High above the tropical trees

On my little seaside hotel balcony

I knew the power of this intense light

As for so many years

The bold beam calmed the fears

Of those tired sailors traveling near

These seasoned sailors could count on the light

They knew safety and warmth was in sight

But… suddenly the beam seemed to miss a beat

Or did the evening heat

Cloud my tired mind?

So I frantically searched to find

That beaming light

I imagined what it might

Be like

For the sailors on a stormy night

If the light suddenly turned dark

Is that not like

What happens in our life?

When a light that shined so steadily

Whose support was always readily

Suddenly shined no more

Could one, like the sailors, navigate to safe shores?

Would one have an inner strength and light

So, bold and bright

That they might

Be able find their way

In the darkness and perils of those stormy days?

Treasure those lighthouses in your life

They will bring light

To your life

And help you to navigate

And bring faith

To those times

When your light may not shine

So bright

And guide you to safe shores…

Shine Bright Resort Girls and Guys!

Resort Girl







Poem, Reflect

Re-Track and Reflect on Your Life Steps, Resort Girls

November 7, 2016

If We Could Re-track Our Steps

Would We Retract

From Some Paths?

Looking back

At Our Paths

Gives Us Time to Reflect

On Days Gone By

On Highs

On Lows

On Those

Who Go By

And Those

Who Stay

To Say

The Things

We Need to Hear

To Encourage Us and Ease Our Fears

Or Even Strengthen Our Souls

To Prepare Us for the Unknown

To Be Strong

And to Long

For the Best Life

With Less Strife

These Souls

Helped to Mold

Us to Hold

Up Against the Strong Tides

In Our Busy Lives

That We Might

Stay Strong and Fight

For the Best Life!

Reflect, Resort Girls and Guys, on what new paths you may choose to take to make the best life…



Neat to Be a Bird? Not Absurd, Resort Girl

September 11, 2016

How Neat to Be a Bird

Some May Think that Absurd

But Flying High

In the Sky

Viewing the Beauty of the World

With Each and Every Wide-Winged Swirl

Away from the Hustle

And Human Bustle

In Your Own Private Space

Of a Tranquil Cloud-Filled Place

Just Flying Around All Day

Then in Ponds You Play

Diving for Fresh Fish

For Your Dinner Dish


Oh, How I Wish

Some Days to Be a Bird

It May Be Absurd

But it Seems Like

A Delightful Way

To Live Out a Day…

